The Confidence Drop

Until age 12, boys and girls report to have identical levels of confidence, but by 13 a girl’s confidence drops by 30%. This makes her less optimistic, less likely to take risks, and less resilient. By age 13, there is also a 45% chance that a girl will believe she’s not allowed to fail because she needs to be perfect.

Wondering how you can help the girls in your life avoid the confidence drop that comes with adolescence? Expose them to STEAM activities such as those that Pink Space Theory offers to build their confidence and grow their skills, which will lead to academic and career opportunities, as well as camaraderie with other young girl and women.

Want more information on the confidence drop? Get the book STEM Gems for them to explore the paths of 44 inspiring women in 44 diverse STEM fields and learn what it takes to be a STEM Gem.

Source: Stephanie Espy, STEM Gems Author and Founder


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